Top 20 NuGet silverlight Packages

This is a fork of the original sqlite-net-PCL project. This package targets Silverlight 5 as a PCL platform
A replacement for the Grid in WPF/Silverlight
An open source transliteration library for .NET that can transliterate static texts and also can be used in "live" mode, which allows it to be connected with input fields. Supported platforms: NET 3.5, NET 4, NET 4.5, .NET Portable (.NET 4 / .NET 4.5, Silverlight 5, Windows 8, Windows Phone 8.1, Win...
Accengage SDK.
A set of useful and powerful collection classes.
Set of classes for easy and powerful implementation / use of INotifyPropertyChanged and INotifyCollectionChanged based objects.
Generates an ExtMap.xml file for a Silverlight project during build.
Library to call native Windows 10 Photo crop task if you are using a Windows Phone 8.1 Runtime / Silverlight app
Toggl Switch for WPF based applications, use this switch for highly customized WPF Applications.
some classes and wrappers to emulate deprecated interfaces in incompatible environments.
Visual Studio 2015 Unit Test Adapter for Silverlight 5 Plugin