Top 20 NuGet servicebus Packages

Azure Service Bus JavaScript SDK Includes required JavaScript file and samples which demonstrate how to use Azure Service Bus with Java Script.
Ninject extensions for Nimbus.
Nimbus serializer implemented with Protocol Buffers
Unity extensions for Nimbus.
A simple publish/subscribe service bus contract
Package Description
Anubus is Nimbus, but just rolled forward to support the latest Azure Service Bus client. Since the Windows Service Bus, and it's client API, is only released when Windows Server is released, it lags far behind the Azure Service Bus and client API that is released much more often. Anubus drops Wind...
Castle Windsor extensions for Nimbus.
Log4net Appenders for Service bus and MSMQ
A lightweight wrapper around Azure Service Bus.
MsBuild helpers for BizTalk Service Bus DevLib is a highly reusable collection of components and core functionalities addressing common crosscutting concerns. It provides a comprehensive set of features that save development time, minimize costs, reduce the use of precious test resources, and dec...
Quickly setup a masstransit endpoint
Publish and Subscribe to Azure ServiceBus Topics using a simple API. Use the PublicationManager of T (ideally, T should be either string or byte[].) Use PublicationResourceManager to list and delete resources (entities like topics, subscription) Requires an Azure ServiceBus Account that supports T...
Azure Key Vault based message encryption support for MassTransit
An inmemory implementation of RDS.CaraBus