Top 20 NuGet server Packages

Extension package for the LazyCacheHelpers Library to provide easy to use helpers to read cache configuration values from App.Config or Web.config files using System.Configuration; making things like enabling/disabling and dynamic fallback from specialized to generalized config values much easier to...
IBM Data Server provider for .NET5 on Linux.
IBM Data Server provider for .NET5 on macOS.
Provides a powerful yet lightweight Rest client to access remote resources in Crosslight apps.
Code Generation for Commerce Server 10.
CommerceServerContrib is a collection of libraries to use with Commerce Server 10 with Request Templates.
Server's assets for Framerizr.MVC.
Deprecated. Use the strong named ServiceStack.OrmLite.SqlServer package instead.
Civetta is a C++11 layer above the great It is also inspired by Please refer to Civetweb for more information.
ODBC backend for SOCI C++ Library
SOCI was initially developed in the environment where Oracle was the main database technology in use. As a wrapper for the native OCI API (Oracle Call Interface), the name 'Simple Oracle Call Interface' was quite obvious - until the 2.0 release, when the internal architecture was largely redesigned ...
OWIN extensions for creating a HashBang web application.
Simple & performant model mapping
Light, simple and fast convention-based code-first POCO ORM for Sql Server. Support for Creating and Dropping Table Schemas from POCOs, Complex Property types transparently stored in schemaless text blobs in SQLServer.
Generic framework helper for profiles using a database.
Utilities for accessing server-side Sql Reporting Reports from Web sites.
This library contains all the required MethodCalls and Structs for interfacing with ManiaPlanet Dedicated Servers using the XmlRpc library.
Synchronize Between SQL Server and Azure Table Storage