Top 20 NuGet serilog Packages

Seq app to create issues on Atlassian Jira
Seq app to forward events to remote UDP listener
Seq app to create issues on GitLab
Seq app to create issues on GitHub
XML configuration file support for Serilog.
A Serilog sink that writes log events to the Xunit test output (for netcore2.0+).
Log sanitizer for Serilog that supports structured and unstructured log event data.
Simple .NET logging with fully-structured events
Enriches Serilog events with information from logger properties that was enriched earlier.
Giraffe plugin to use Serilog as the logger for your application
An app for Seq ( that forwards events to Azure DevOps (VSTS / TFS)
The collection of AspNetCore functionality for logging with Azure Appinsight and Azure Log Analyzer.
A core library that is used to support igloo15.Serilog.Microsoft.Logging.Console and igloo15.Serilog.Microsoft.Logging.File packages
Enables writing seq logs by proxying requests through an ASP.NET Controller or Middleware.
Microsoft SQL Server data provider for Serilog UI.
PostgreSQL data provider for Serilog UI.
Writes batched logs to AMQP message brokers, using the AMQPNetLite package
Send Serilog events to Netflix Conductor
Helper for the MELT testing library to verify that the correct logs are generated by ASP.NET Core applications, when writing integration tests with Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Testing.
Testing library to verify that the correct logs are generated by apps or libraries using the .NET Standard Microsoft.Extensions.Logging library with Serilog as provider.