Top 20 NuGet sdk Packages

Build Support SDK for MetaBrainz C# Projects
Package Description
Package Description
Xamarin bindings to the native iOS Full SDK.
Xamarin bindings to the native iOS Voice SDK.
Use the eBay SDK for .NET to simplify common development tasks like logging, error handling, and authentication.
This SDK is packaged as is from All source code is copyright of Igor Pavlov.
D2L Valence RestSharp authenticator class library for C#/.NET.
Learnosity SDK for ASP.NET / C#
Alibaba Cloud SDK for C#
bNesis SDK Rich Client
MSBuild targets support for using dslc to compile a DSL grammar. Part of the Microsoft PROgram Synthesis using Examples SDK (PROSE).
Library for parsing commandline options. Part of the Microsoft PROgram Synthesis using Examples SDK (PROSE).
Unofficial .NET Core version of library to working with the API
The Best Bank Portugal Connect is a open source C# library that helps to connect to the Best Bank's Open Banking PSD2 API, a bank based in Portugal. Features: -Authorization flow (OAuth 2) -Get Balances -Get Moviments -Make transferences -Make payments via portuguese standarts.
Unofficial SendInBlue .NET SDK
Alibaba Cloud SDK for C#
A test library to help in writing unit and integration tests for Visual Studio extensions. Xunit test projects should consume via the Microsoft.VisualStudio.Sdk.TestFramework.Xunit package.
nacos csharp sdk
Windows AzureContrib is a community addition to Microsoft Widows Azure SDK with some nice ;~) additional features to Microsoft's valiant efforts.