Top 20 NuGet roslyn Packages

Contains all essential utils that make using Roslyn a tad more favourable. This package was built from the source at
An extensible source generator library for arbitrary avatar (a.k.a. dynamic proxy) code generation at compile-time. Built from
Analyzers and Code Fixes for Visual Studio 2017 (Roslyn-based). Intended for build integration. If you need Visual Studio integration only, please check out the VSIX (Visual Studio extension) from our Web site.
Rop Helper Library With Entity Framework Dependencies
Helps transform NUnit v2 to NUnit v3. It consists of a set of Roslyn analyzers and code fixers. Add it to your NUnit v2 test projects, make use of auto fixes, adjust manually when needed, bump NUnit to v3.
The Del Sole's VSIX library helps generating code snippets for Visual Studio 2015 and Visual Studio Code, plus it allows creating VSIX packages to share reusable IntelliSense code snippet files for Visual Studio 2015 and Visual Studio Code. We provide integrated Roslyn code analysis for live issue d...
Contains various plugins and public api for creating custom plugins
A set of Roslyn analyzers for diagnostic/fix of various asynchronous practices.
Helpers & extensions for writing Roslyn analyzers and code fixes.
The engine of source code generation; used by CodeGeneration.Roslyn.Tool. Useful for testing custom source generators. API: * CodeGeneration.Roslyn.CompilationGenerator * CodeGeneration.Roslyn.DocumentTransform
MirrorSharp ASP.NET Core server. MirrorSharp is a code editor <textarea> built on Roslyn — see for details.
Natasha 程序集域 Core 版本的实现,插件编程.
R2D 将运行时环境压入到动态环境中。
Provides the attributed hooks for invoking metrics collector type generation.
A lightweight utility library to create a Roslyn AdhocWorkspace from an existing solution`/`csproj.
ScriptCs.Contracts contains the components necessary to create script packs for scriptcs.
Simple analyzer that warns about the most common code smells related to excpetion handling.
Exposes some Roslyn internals in a nice way, such as executing code fixes or retrieving the CompositionContext for a Workspace. Compiled from facc1f5
Exposes many Roslyn editor services that are currently internal. The version of this package corresponds to the Roslyn packages.