Top 20 NuGet rest Packages

Wrapper for API (REST & WebSocket)
.Net wrapper for the Aculab Cloud REST API
An addition for the FsHttp library, providing convenience for testing.
This package contains a simple .Net client for Azure DevOps Services (aka Visual Studio Team Services) REST API
.Net Core HttpClientFactory compatible extension methods for HttpClient supporting typed REST verbs from JSON, XML and URL encoded form endpoints, bearer tokens and cookies. Built-in conversion of any request object to JSON or querystring. Includes Uri concatenation helpers and Cookie accessor. Als...
Make it easier to consume REST APIs
Omnigage SDK for .NET
Fork from the official Prestasharp Nuget. Attempting to fix the stability issues.
A reddit bot scanning comments for trigger phrases to reply with predefined quotes.
This C# .NET client makes it easier to consume the ElectricityMap Rest API for getting data about electricity consumption in various countries.
Framework for creating high-performance servers with domain object models.
Utilidades para facilitar desarrollo de APIs con .Net 5.0
Microsoft Azure Insights Library
Provides API functions for consuming Microsoft Azure Cognitive Services Language Text Analytics APIs.
Fake JSON Server
Provides Microsoft Azure Commerce Usage operations.
Provides job collection and job management capabilities for Microsoft Azure Scheduler.
Provides Microsoft Azure HDIsight Job operations.
.NET REST Client Framework for all platforms