Top 20 NuGet redis Packages

An implementation of a persistent job queue in Redis
An abstraction above ServiceStack.Redis
ASP.NET MVC 5 shipped with a new Identity system (in the Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.Core package) in order to support both local login and remote logins via OpenID/OAuth, but only ships with an Entity Framework provider (Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.EntityFramework). Redis.AspNet.Identity is a Redis ...
The NLog Redis Target is a custom target for NLog version 2.0 allowing you to send logging messages to a Redis list or channel.
A RefreshTokenProvider using Redis as token store for Microsoft.Owin
An easy-to-use and fast caching framework for .NET with support for many storage systems: * Redis * System.Runtime.Caching.MemoryCache * Portable Memory Cache for use with Windows Store, Windows Phone 8, Xamarin apps NOTE: Provision requires a provider to work, please download one of the Provision...
Adds support to the Provision package for configuration using app.config and web.config files.
Redis job storage implementation for Hangfire (background job system for ASP.NET applications).
Store IP Ranges in Redis as sorted sets for fast lookup.
Unlocked State Store Client For Redis
Simplified fluent way for accessing a Redis cache now ThreadSafe by design RedisCacheManager: + GetOrDrill + GetOrDrillLong (30 min) + GetOrDrillShort (10 min) + Overwrite + Poison q: [email protected] [2.0] - RedisCacheInstance for multiple cache server usage [1.5] - Added thread safety v...
Simple yet extensible cache abstraction for the .net framework. This package adds an adaptor for library and thus add support for distributed caches such as Redis, Memcached and Couchbase.
A very compact representation of a list of samples, usually referred as time series. Inspired from
An implementation of Rabbit.Cache for Redis NoSQL
StackExchange Redis adapter for common caching infrastructure
Layered distributed cache-aside implementation
This is a library about Redis SDK.
.net cache wrapper for redis using StackExchange.Redis
ServiceStack plugin that extends ServiceStack.Discovery.Redis services