Top 20 NuGet rabbitmq Packages

Plato.Messaging.AMQ deployment package
Plato.Messaging.RMQ deployment package
C++ library for communicating with a RabbitMQ message broker.
This library extends Metrics.NET with RabbitMQ reporting capabilities
Streaming F# API for RabbitMQ
This is an implementation of the message store used for decoupled invocation of commands by Paramore.Brighter, using MS Sql Server
This is an implementation of the message store used for decoupled invocation of commands by Paramore.Brighter, using MS Sql Server
RabbitMq based implementation of Dynamic Queue.
A set of filters that ensures each message is proccesed only once
Submit EasyNetQ message consumer errors to Exceptionless.
RabbitMQ.Async is a thin wrapper over the official RabbitMQ.Client library that provide integration with Microsoft TPL
Library for RabbitMQ management, consumption and workflow
A simple command handler pattern implementation, but fully scalable with RabbitMQ. This is the RabbitMQ implementation package.
Library to coonect to RabbitMQ.
RabbitMQ client for RSMassTransit, a MassTransit message bus interface for SQL Server Reporting Services
EventBus and eventually consistency in distributed architectures.