Top 20 NuGet rest Packages

Imgur REST API (imgur-rest-api) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
Client for accessing the Tankerkönig MTS-K Api for German fuel prices.
A simple, lightweight and mockable C# Rest client focused on JSON but works also with XML, plain text and raw bytes, built on top of HttpClient, Newtonsoft.Json and XmlSerializer.
Package Description
A type provider for normal RESTy routes. Reads a routes file and provides types for them.
Simple .NET client for RESTful services which works with HTTP status codes.
A modular micro-framework for creating APIs.
Dynamic proxy client generation for Nancy using Nancy.Rest.Module.
Annotations library used by Nancy.Rest.Module and Nancy.Rest.Client.
Library for creating RESTful applications.
A C# wrapper for the MarkLogic Server REST API, and utility classes. This is the mlclient / MLConnect C# API. This uses the MLConnect C++ API under the hood.
A *SIGNED* open source C# helper library for communication with the Zipabox controller from Zipato. It's a Portable Class Library (.NET 4.5, Windows Phone 8.1, Windows Phone Silverlight 8 and Windows 8.x).
A *SIGNED* open source C# helper library for communication with the EvoHome gateway of Honeywell. It's a Portable Class Library (.NET 4.5, Windows Phone 8.1, Windows Phone Silverlight 8 and Windows 8.x).
Provides a simple .NET api for access the REST API of accountancy firm At the moment awaiting testing of the 'write' side of the api, it has only been tested with the read side. *** THIS IS NOT AN OFFICIAL API from although they have been made aware of it's existance **...
Make type safe REST API Clients
Twilio Conversations REST API helper library