Top 20 NuGet push Packages

Memory storage for PullingHook
Biblioteca para registro e envio de notificação (Push) utilizando Azure Notification Hub.
This library contains the default implementation for interfaces defined in LFNT.Net.Core by invoking RESTful API.
PushRadar's official .NET server library
Phonegap Plugin Push (phonegap-plugin-push) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
A .net libary written in c# to send push notifiations to iOS using APNs Token authentication
A server-side library for sending Push Notifications to iOS/OSX (APNS), Android/Chrome (GCM), Windows Phone/Windows (WNS), Amazon (ADM), Blackberry and Firefox OS
React Native Push Notification (react-native-push-notification) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
Allows you to send notifications using Firebase Cloud Messaging.
Everlytic Push for Xamarin
Pushwoosh Geozones SDK for Xamarin iOS
Pushwoosh Geozones SDK for Xamarin Android
Pushwoosh Geozones SDK for Xamarin
Make send Web Push Messages to your site or PWA applications easier.
Pushwoosh Inbox SDK for Xamarin iOS
Pushwoosh Inbox SDK for Xamarin
Porting to .NETStandard. A server-side library for sending Push Notifications to iOS/OSX (APNS), Android/Chrome (GCM), Windows Phone/Windows (WNS), Amazon (ADM), Blackberry and Firefox OS
Information Servie Core Library.
A General purpose rest ApiClient write in C# language for the OneSignal API.