Top 20 NuGet pubsub Packages

No-nonsense, high performance pub-sub for distributing time-critical data over UDP.
A very simple log trace viewer thingy
No-nonsense, high performance pub-sub for distributing time-critical data over UDP.
Easy WCF Publisher Subscriber Service Implementation
Easy WCF Publisher Subscriber Service Implementation
Micro topic pubsub library.
Lightweight Pub/Sub library for .NET
Used to communicate events from object to subscribers instead of the standard .NET event system. Provides IDisposable tokens for unsubscribing and the ability to provide enums or objects as events/messages with or without payloads. All handlers are awaited (and awaitable), unsubscription is dead si...
Simple Event Bus Library for NetStandard. Based on @songdongsheng EventBus
Bellight MessageBus Abstractions
WampSharp System.Net.WebSockets.WebSocket support
A simple alternative to N-Tier architecture based on commands and handlers.
Publish subscribe implementation
Autofac support for Windows Azure Service Bus wrapper modeled after the NServiceBus pattern of IHandleMessages<T>
Castle Windsor support for Windows Azure Service Bus wrapper modeled after the NServiceBus pattern of IHandleMessages<T>
Ninject support for Windows Azure Service Bus wrapper modeled after the NServiceBus pattern of IHandleMessages<T>