Top 20 NuGet provider Packages

Enables you to use standard drivers to connect to ShipStation objects. Just specify your credentials and access entities like Customers, Products, Orders, etc.
Enables you to use standard drivers to connect to TSheets objects. Just specify your credentials and access views like Timesheets, Users, Locations, etc.
Enables you to use standard drivers to connect to XCart objects. Just specify your credentials and access tables like Orders, Profiles, Products etc.
CSV export/import implementation for DbLocalizationProvider
SAML 2.0 (SAML2P) identity provider functionality. Requires the addition of Rsk.Saml.DuendeIdentityServer.
PokitDok Platform API Client for C#
Contains dlls and sources for RavenDB Persistence Provider: RavenDBProvider which implements interfaces: IPersistenceProvider, ISchemePersistenceProvider and IWorkflowGenerator. Steps for workflow runtime configuration with RavenDBProvider:
Exposes a generic extension method to IQueryable<T> that allows interception of expression trees with expression visitors.
Exposes a generic extension method to IQueryable<T> and IAsyncQueryProvider<T> that allows interception of expression trees with expression visitors.
Adds OpenId Auth Providers for use in StackExpress Web and REST Services. Includes built-in support for Google, Yahoo, MyOpenId and Custom OpenId providers. More Info on Auth Providers:
Deploys the NCache Session State Provider Services in an ASP.NET web application for .NET Framework. The services include complete session management module to replace the default ASP.NET Framework session management with additional NCache exclusive features such as session locking that follows the ...
AWS S3 Filesystem provider for Umbraco media items
Base package for AWS S3 Umbraco providers. Required by Umbraco.Storage.S3.Forms and Umbraco.Storage.S3.Media
Turn any data source into an IQueryable
Umbraco S3 Filesystem Provider
PureActive Serilog Logger Provider
This package provides the functionality to utilize the features of Syncfusion Blazor FileManager component in Physical file system and more.
SAML 2.0 (SAML2P) support for Duende IdentityServer, providing SAML 2.0 Identity Provider and Service Provider functionality. To purchase a license or get a demo, please contact [email protected].
SAML 2.0 (SAML2P) support for IdentityServer4, providing SAML 2.0 Identity Provider and Service Provider functionality. To purchase a license or get a demo, please contact [email protected].
File logger provider implementation for Microsoft.Extensions.Logging. This logger logs messages to rolling files by writing messages to the file system.