Top 20 NuGet pipeline Packages

A JavaScript extension for creating Banzai nodes that are dynamically compiled and executed at runtime. Uses V8/ClearScript/ClearScript.Manager under the hood.
BizTalk.Factory's pipeline definition DSL unit test library for general purpose BizTalk Server pipeline definition.
Data aspects: caching
An easy Ninject extension for registering nodes in Banzai
HttpPipeline for aspnet core.
Contains the execution middleware of the CoreKraft framework
A tool for MonoGame that automatically handles adding assets to the Content Pipeline project
A Banzai extension for serializing workflows to JSON with System.Text.Json
A Banzai extension for serializing workflows to JSON
An easy Autofac extension for registering nodes in Banzai
Demonstration nuget package deployed with Azure DevOps using a CI/CD YAML pipeline.
Microsoft Dependency Injection extensions for PipelineFramework.
C# dotnet templates for creating ETL applications with actionETL. - "actionetl.console" template creates an actionETL console project - "actionetl.addtoproject" template adds actionETL to an existing project Please see for detail...
Lightweight library to query Redis by predefined queries on top of StackExchange.Redis. This library enables that you can use redis database with predefined queries. Queries are seen like pipelines which are executed when data is writing/removing on redis. This library also enables R...
Extends PipelineFramework to enable LightInject DI container for pipeline construction and execution
The package is a part of Saritasa Tools project. Saritasa.Tools.Messages contains CQRS infrastructure that includes command, queries and events.
Common helper classes developed with ApprovalTests
A MediatR pipeline for Blazor state management - Fork of with custom changes
Provides a pipeline for DiagnosticSource-based instrumentation.
Common helper classes developed with ApprovalTests