Top 20 NuGet oauth Packages

ASP.NET Core security middleware enabling QQ authentication.
ASP.NET Core security middleware enabling Strava authentication.
ASP.NET Core security middleware enabling Reddit authentication.
ASP.NET Core security middleware enabling authentication.
C# library for Authlete Web APIs with which you can build an authorization server and OpenID provider that complies with OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect.
OAuth 2.0 Authorizer
A xrmtoolbox plugin to convert valid Json to csharp model class. Works with OAuth or Certifcation connection only.
Authentication and service implementation for the GitHub API.
Official Okta OIDC SDK for Xamarin iOS applications.
Official Okta OIDC SDK for Xamarin Android applications.
I-Synergy Framework Authentication for .net 8.0
Official Okta OIDC SDK for Xamarin applications.
ASP.NET Core security middleware enabling SuperOffice authentication.
Trimble Identity OAuth2 Password Credentials Provider implementation to be used in headless apps and tests and server side integrations.
Trimble Identity OAuth2 Authorization Code Credentials Provider implementation to be used in interactive mobile and desktop applications.
Trimble Identity OAuth2 protocol implementation for non interactive workflows.
ASP.NET Core Middleware for validating scope claims
OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect components. Support .NET 8.0 Support .NET 7.0 Support .NET 6.0 Support .NET Standard 2.0
Deprecated, use Veracity.Common.OAuth.AspNet for Asp.Net mvc 5 and Veracity.Common.OAuth.AspNetCore for aspnetcore apps. Authentication library for the veracity services sdk
Authentication and service implementation for the Twitch API.