Top 20 NuGet owin Packages

Single Page Application template for create a solution from scratch
Health check middleware for the OWIN pipeline
Implements the sphyrnidae security model over OWIN (OAuth authentication/authorization)
Application Insights Tracing module for OWIN and DotVVM
Common library for NFinal MVC.
Adds additional OAuth providers for OWIN to use with ASP.NET
Hprose is a popular high-performance RPC library for Owin
由 TinyFox OWIN Server 进化而来的高性能 OWIN 服务引擎。支持 Windows 和 Linux 操作系统,支持 .NET、Mono 以及 .NET Core/.NET5/6 运行环境。 High-performance OWIN server engine. Supports Windows and Linux operating systems, and supports .NET, Mono and .NET Core/.NET5/6 operating environments.
The Asp.Net component of node assests, provides a complete assest manager solution including compilation from coffee/styles, minification, combination, compression, and also a refresh-on-change css live updater
Node based compilers of all sorts for Node Assets
Enable tracing to log entries in the OWIN pipeline. OWIN Keys/Types can be included/ignored. Filters can be supplied so tracing occurs when all filter conditions are matched. Log format, type format, log action can be globally set whilst type format and log actions can be set individually for each t...
ASP.NET library with IMS LTI support for Tool Consumer and Tool Provider applications. Supports IMS LTI 1.0, 1.1, 1.1.1 and 1.2; Outcomes 1.0; Outcomes 2.0 (Draft); and Content-Item Message 1.0.
A way to translate Exceptions to friendly HTTP responses
EventSource logging for LightNode(as Micro REST/RPC Framework).
Log4Net Logging implementation for Owin
Seamlessly adds a Swagger to WebApi projects!
OWIN middleware for creating a customisable command processing pipeline in CQRS applications
Provides middleware for performing claims authentication on Sequin commands
Authentication middleware to use with Microsoft.Owin.TestServer. Enable to easily implement integration test of apis that require authenticated users.
Native login throttling middleware for OpenIdConnect (IdentityServer)