Top 20 NuGet orm Packages

The XRepository library is an easy-to-configure ORM with a simple API which follows the repository pattern. It supports automapping, works on mutliple databases, and even supports a JavaScript interface to allow for simple HTML5 application development. (If you want the JavaScript version, get NuG...
The XRepositoryJS library is the JavaScript interface built upon XRepository. It is an easy-to-configure ORM with a simple API which follows the repository pattern. It supports automapping and works on mutliple databases. XRepositoryJS in particular provides a rapid applicaiton development path f...
Dwarf is a light weight, highly competent, versatile, easy-to-use O/R-M framework 'that doesn't get in your way'. Configured in the blink of an eye and is packed with features
Unit of work and repository patternsfunctionality for Susanoo
This is a configuration package that links the DataAccess with AppBoot. The DataAccess provides an abstraction over a relational DB. The implementation is done with EF, which is well hiden from the clients.
An NHibernate implementation of the unit of work pattern
Cocoon ORM is a simple .NET object-relational mapper alternative to Entity Framework or NHibernate. Cocoon ORM supports SQL Server, and SQL Azure.
This is a fork by Claudio Barca of original code Dapper.SimpleCRUD written by Eric Coffman. This patch was required to insert tables with primary key named as "Id" but NOT autoincrement value. Simple Get, GetList, Insert, Update, and Delete extensions for Dapper. Uses smart defaults for a...
PostgreSQL provider for Entity Framework 5
Slazure is a ORM/ODM type data mapper for schema-free NoSQL databases. Slazure automatically maps data entities between your code and the database data model. This package enables Slazure to work with the Microsoft Azure Table Storage.
Slazure is a ORM/ODM type data mapper for schema-free NoSQL databases. Slazure automatically maps data entities between your code and the database data model. This package enables Slazure to work with the Microsoft Azure Table Storage. Contains Slazure Light edition component.
Slazure is a ORM/ODM type data mapper for schema-free NoSQL databases. Slazure automatically maps data entities between your code and the database data model.
Core module for the Nyan data service stack
A Redis cache module for the Nyan data service stack
A MySQL database module for the Nyan data service stack
An Oracle database module for the Nyan data service stack
A PostGreSQL database module for the Nyan data service stack
A SQL Compact database module for the Nyan data service stack