Top 20 NuGet orm Packages

Gravity is an ORM framework, supported by the Open Souce Community, for Relativity custom development. Using Gravity will greatly decrease the amount of time it takes to pick up Relativity development and allow you to write code that interacts with Relativity with commonly used C# syntax.
The SqLite Adapter for the JPB.DataAccess Project
Smart data mapper library builder option
根据 FreeSql 实体类配置、导航关系配置,快速生成基于 MVC + Razor + AdminLTE 的后台管理系统的增删查改代码【支持二次开发】。
Filter to only use entities that implements the mandatory interfaces
Smart data accessor generator library
Easily add the ability to store data in Azure Storage's Table Service. Also works with CosmosDB when it is used in Tables API mode. Simply decorate your business objects and its properties with the provided attributes and store and retrieve data with Azure Table Storage using ONE line of code!
Flexberry ORM package.
Flexberry ORM package.
Object-relational mapper between TrackableData and common SQL for DotNet Core.
Smart data accessor generator library
A fluent ORM and Database Reflection Library for .NET and ODBC Databases.
A library for easy, efficient and high performance bulk insert and update of data, into a Sql Database, from .Net applications. By leveraging the power of the SqlBulkCopy classes with added support for Identity primary key table columns this library provides a greatly simplified interface to process...
fuzzystrmatch module support plugin for PostgreSQL/Npgsql Entity Framework Core provider.
Package Description
Dragon Core is a simple and strong typed ORM tool for .NET Core.
LiteDB database provider for Zen
Application abstration layer for Zen
Add a Dapper repository to your project that reduces basic CRUD operations to a single line of code. Execute full queries and stored procedures. Easily add filters and parametrs. Supports Async and non-Async in Framework, Standard and Core.
Web-related abstration layer for Zen