Top 20 NuGet oauth Packages

.NET wrapper and API implementation for the Facebook Graph API.
Authentication and service implementation for the Slack API.
Authentication and service implementation for the Steam Web API.
Authentication and service implementation for the TwentyThree API.
A OAuth2 based library for Xamarin.Forms platforms.
Oauth 微信登录,修改了ClaimType Name映射
TwitterOAuth an OAuth library that provides the basic functions required for authorization.
An extremely useful collection of utility classes for .NET
A tiny, super easy to use OAuth 1.0a library with support for the full OAuth flow. Supports both .NET Framework and .NET Core (by using .NET Standard).
A working, updated, tiny, super easy to use OAuth 1.0a library with support for the full OAuth flow. Supports both .NET Framework and .NET Core (by using .NET Standard).
Simple Oauth2 client.
Used with SimpleAuthentication, provides automated configuration for ASP.NET Mvc projects.
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ASP.Net identity utilities for Azure
ASP.NET MVC5 ships with a few default OAuth Providers e.g. Facebook and Google. This is a Fitbit extension for the default OAuth provider list. It is important to note that like all OAuth provider, the identity of the signed up user with the OAuth provider may or may not have been verified.
A Library for desktop application to get the OAuth Access Token for Intuit Partner Platform (QuickBooks Online) Rest APIs.