Top 20 NuGet mysql Packages

An adapter for MySQL for Folke.Elm
MySQL based persistence for Rebus
A duct-tape fixed version of MySqlMigrationSqlGenerator found in the Connector/NET fixing the GUID foreign keys index issue
The package Provides a solution for the Repository and UnitOfWork patterns together with inversition of control. On the project site there are examples of Autofact, Castle.Windsor, Ninject, Simpleinjector, StructureMap, and Unity integration. The IoC framework is not an issue... It is ment to...
SqlKata + Dapper + Canducci Wrapper Extensions + MySQL
A client library for BlueWS library. Includes logic and utility for calling BlueWS web service actions.
MySql Logger Library for .NET Standard
Add MariaDB container specific functionality.
Provides a class for the easy connection to a MySQL database
Data transformation and anaytics library - GitHub Connection and reader.
HealthChecks.UI.MySql.Storage package contains the required classes to use the MySQL database provider in the UI
This is the MySql connector for ETLBox. ETLBox is a lightweight ETL (extract, transform, load) library and data integration toolbox for .NET.
Package Description
ScaledDomains.Extensions.Caching.MySql.MySqlConnector is a free, open source distributed cache implementation using MySql as datastore using MySql.Data.
Hybrid-ORM for .Net
DrivenDb is a better microORM. Unique features, excellent performance, and cleaner code in as few trips to the database as possible.
Reusable mocks that you can use to mock your database if you use Prius as your ORM.
MySQL database provider for Entity Framework Core.