Top 20 NuGet mono Packages

Genesis.WindowScan provides a WindowScan extension method for IObservable<T>.
Genesis.RetryWithBackoff provides a RetryWithBackoff extension method for IObservable<T>.
DraggableTreeView is a custom view that mimics a Tree View directory and also implements drag and drop. The tree view can go to the n-th level by default there is no limit.
A simple Android ImageView which allows you to create diagonal cut views easily
Additional features for Android TextView
A simple Android ImageView which scales the width or height aspect with the given ratio
Raspberry.IO is a set of Mono/.NET assembly providing access to Raspberry Pi I/O features.
Raspberry.IO is a set of Mono/.NET assembly providing access to Raspberry Pi I/O features.
Raspberry.IO is a set of Mono/.NET assembly providing access to Raspberry Pi I/O features.
Full aspect ratio grid LayoutManager for Android's RecyclerView. A drop-in custom layout manager for Android RecyclerViews to layout a grid of photos while respecting their aspect ratios.
Modern OpenGL bindings for C# - Math Data Structures. Implements most blittable data structures required for OpenGL interop. Vertices, matrices and colors. Implements most of basic old-school OpenGL matrix math, i.e. projections or transforms.
Genesis.Analytics.Raygun is a Raygun implementation for Genesis.Analytics.
Textile Content-Provider for blog-dot-net
Markdown Content-Provider for blog-dot-net
Suave in opposite to OWIN offers WebSockets that run on Mono. The project demonstrates how WebSharper can be coupled with Suave WebSockets
StackExpress Razor2 Documentation: - Turns ServiceStack into a Complete Web + REST Services Stack. Replaces need for ASP.NET MVC. - Runs In ASP.NET or Self-host, first-class cross-platform support on .NET / Mono runtimes. - Add HTML views to existing ...
Android library to realize the various states and transitions in a ProgressBar.
Hangfire Redis Storage Based on Redis.StackExchange.Mono See for some more info on the main project
Modern OpenGL bindings for C# - Native window utilities. Native window implementation for OpenGL.Net. The following platforms are supported: - Windows - Linux/X11 (not implemented yet) - Raspberry PI VC4 (not implemented yet)