Top 20 NuGet microsoft Packages

QnAMakerDialog for the Microsoft Bot Framework is a dialog that allows you to integrate the QnA Maker Service with a bot built on the Bot Framework. This dialog will take messages receieved to a bot and send them to a QnA Maker service (updated for v3 API) and return one or more answers. If no answe...
此程序包包含 ASP.NET Web API Web Host 的简体中文附属程序集。
MacroView.VSTO is a collection of assemblies that makes working with Microsoft VSTO easier. This package contains the code that applies to all Microsoft Office applications. Specifically: - Extension methods - WPF helpers - Logging classes
MacroView.VSTO is a collection of assemblies that makes working with Microsoft VSTO easier. This package contains the code that applies to all Microsoft Office applications. Specifically: - Extension methods - WPF helpers - Logging classes
MacroView.VSTO is a collection of assemblies that makes working with Microsoft VSTO easier. This package contains the code that applies to all Microsoft Office applications. Specifically: - Extension methods - WPF helpers - Logging classes
Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection based utility for registering into DI container all public types within an assembly namespace
A basic key/value Configuration Builder for the .Net Framework that draws from a a 'secrets' file outside of source control.
App Service Helpers (ASH) makes it as easy as possible to add data storage and authentication to your mobile app with Microsoft's Azure App Service Platform. ASH was built with the mobile developer in mind, and requires no previous experience with backends as a service (BaaS). In just four lines of...
.NET Standard 2.0 library with helpers to convert your POCO objects to Azure Table Storage objects of type `ITableEntity` or `DynamicTableEntity` and vice versa. It supports saving complex classes by converting not natively supported property types into JSON strings. There is no need to have dedic...
Incredibly simple real-time web for .NET. Components for using ASP.NET SignalR in applications hosted on System.Web.
This package includes the required dependencies for self-hosting SignalR in a process outside of IIS using OWIN and HTTPListener.
JavaScript client for ASP.NET SignalR.
Incredibly simple real-time web for .NET. This package pulls in the server components and JavaScript client required to use SignalR in an ASP.NET application.
C# library to allow you to sync QnA items to the Microsoft QnA Maker service from anywhere. Implemented for v3 of the QnA Maker Service, the library allows you to build up a list of QnAItems (for example you might have existing FAQ pages in your CMS or in a CRM system) and sync them with the QnA Ma...
SQL Server messaging backplane for scaling out of ASP.NET SignalR applications in a web-farm.
Redis messaging backplane for scaling out of ASP.NET SignalR applications in a web-farm.