Top 20 NuGet memorycache Packages

.NET Core 2.0 Wrapper for MemoryCache
Caching abstractions for in-memory cache and distributed cache.
Extension methods that expand on Microsoft.Extension.Caching.
ASP.NET Core MVC Cache Tag Helper using Pavalisoft.Caching
Pavalisoft.Caching.SqlServer is a Cache store implementation of Pavalisoft.Caching
Pavalisoft.Caching.Redis is a REDIS Cache store implementation of Pavalisoft.Caching
Pavalisoft.Caching.MySql is a MySql Cache store implementation of Pavalisoft.Caching
Pavalisoft.Caching.InMemory is a Pavalisoft.Caching specific Cache store implementation of InMemory and MemoryDistributed cache
Simple wrapper around `System.Runtime.Caching`
Extensions for MemoryCache
Memory Cache Util for storing objects for a predetermined time
Memory Cache Util for storing objects for a predetermined time
Core libs of DotQuery, a lightweight query result caching framework for .NET
In-memory cache helper class for .NET.
CacheItemPolicyConfiguration is a .NET library that provides a programmatic and .NET config file-based configuration of cache item policies used with the System.Runtime.Caching.ObjectCache class and its derived classes (such as System.Runtime.Caching.MemoryCache).
MemoryCache implementation for Stark applications.
NewtonsoftJsonSerializer implementation for Stark IJsonSerializer.
SaintModeCache is a thread safe in-memory cache wrapper for performance optimisation. It's able to continue serving stale content after expiry, whilst it repopulates the cache with a non-blocking single thread.
Library for smart usage of Redis and MemoryCache