Top 20 NuGet mediatr Packages

An extension for Autofac-IoC to use MediatR and CQRS with ease.
MediatR extension to FluentValidation for .NET framework.
CQRS framework based on MediatR
MediatR-powered interactions for view models
MediatR pipeline caching, with attribute based convention, on the top of the dotnet In Memory Caching
MediatR extension for Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc. Wraps each configured MediatR request in a generic controller and provides numerous extension points.
CQRS framework based on MediatR
CQRS framework based on MediatR
MediatR-powered interactions for view models
Unit of Work implementation for EntityFramework Core. Package based over the mediatr pattern (mediatr package used). For more information please see Calabonga.UnitOfWork package. Mediator pattern impementation.
CQRS framework based on MediatR
Caravel.MediatR is a package that contains reusable behaviours (validation, logging).
The MediatR Behaviors using FluentValidation.
Access MediatR like a service.
Nut.MediatR.ServiceLike extensions for .NET Extensions DependencyInjection
Extensions and helpers to facilitate work with MediatR library.
Refit based web api client management, but resilient (retry, connectivity, cache, auth, log, priority...)
MediatR integration for in memory event/CQRS management
The MediatR Behaviors.
C# utils libraries contain a collection of reusable models, helper methods and extensions. Specific to Application layer.