Top 20 NuGet measurement Packages

LightningChart Ultimate is the fastest 2D and 3D WPF data visualization toolkit for science and finance. LightningChart Ultimate is entirely GPU accelerated (Direct3D) and performance optimized data visualization control for presenting masses of data in 2D XY graph, 3D XYZ, polar and 3D pie / donut ...
Signed Xamarin Google Play Services - Measurement assemblies for Intersoft Crosslight.
LightningChart® Ultimate is the fastest 2D and 3D WPF data visualization toolkit for science and finance. 3 WPF APIs included: - Non-Bindable for best performance - Semi-Bindable for great performance and property binding features - Fully-Bindable for properties and data binding in MVVM Lightnin...
An extension for Orleans which intercepts all telemetry calls, calculates and tracks the metrics on each silo, and aggregates all of the silo metrics into a ClusterMetricsGrain. The metrics stored in this grain can be accessed from any grain or Orleans client.
An extension for Orleans which intercepts all telemetry calls, calculates and tracks the metrics on each silo, and aggregates all of the silo metrics into a ClusterMetricsGrain. The metrics stored in this grain can be accessed from any grain or Orleans client by subscribing to individual silo or agg...
LightningChart® .NET is the fastest 2D and 3D WPF data visualization toolkit for science and finance. 3 WPF APIs included: - Non-Bindable for best performance - (Semi-)Bindable WPF API for MVVM development - Trader API with easy-to-use TradingCharts, technical indicators and technical analysis L...
A helper library for serializing and deserializing types in Units.NET using Json.NET.
An extensive measurement, unit, and data conversion library for .NET. var twoFeet = new Measurement(2, Units.Length.Feet); var twelveInches = new Measurement(12, Units.Length.Inches); var result = twoFeet + twelveInches; Console.WriteLine(result.GetValueAs(Units.Length.Yards)...
Provides CSV reading and writing, with support for QuantityTypes.
An opinionated adapter for MathNet.Spatial using UnitsNet.
A helper library for serializing and deserializing types in Units.NET using Json.NET.
Get all the common units of measurement and the conversions between them. It is light-weight and thoroughly tested.
Library of units of measure, specifically targeting pathology but I hope it can grow to include most. Currently: Weight, length, dilution, reaction, molecular, time, timebased
Library designed to help developers who are dealing with SI measurement units.
Chronometer is a small C# time measurement library which can be used for performance testing.
LightningChart® Ultimate is the fastest 2D and 3D WinForms data visualization toolkit for science and finance. LightningChart Ultimate is entirely GPU accelerated (DirectX9, DirectX11 and WARP) and performance optimized data visualization control for presenting masses of data in 2D XY graph, 3D XY...
Autofac extension methods facilitating MeasureIt functionality.
Autofac bootstrap for use with Microsoft ASP.NET Web API.
Castle Windsor bootstrap for use with Microsoft ASP.NET Web API.