Top 20 NuGet mvc Packages

System.Waf is a lightweight framework that helps you to create well-structured XAML applications. Use this package for WPF (Windows Presentation Foundation) applications.
System.Waf is a lightweight framework that helps you to create well-structured XAML applications. This package supports writing unit tests. It can be used in various application types.
MVC application template for the Correspondence collaboration framework.
Ext Direct router implementation for ASP.NET
Test helpers for FluentSecurity
DEPRECATED -- redirects to FubuMVC.Core. Please use the FubuMVC.Core, FubuMVC.StructureMap/FubuMVC.AutoFac packages instead
Cleans html with a whitelist for tags and attributes. Filters attributes with regex. It has a Model Binder for MVC 3 that detects UIHint("html"), AllowHtml and DataType attributes on model's properties and cleans those properies' value before the action method.
JsAction is a simple and lightweight RouteHandler for ASP.NET MVC and WEBAPI that will generate automatic jQuery based Javascript and provide a direct way to call MVC and WEBAPI Action Methods using a single data annotation. You will no longer have to write custom ajax calls to retrieve data, but ju...
ASP.NET MVC extensions for Linq2Rest to support binding a Linq2Rest ModelFilter using a ModelBinder. Use ModelFilterBinder as default model binder for IModelFilter{T}.
Deprecated in favor of i18N-Complete. Will be removed soon.
A css and javascript manager that will dynamically combine and minimize the files and serve them through a handler.
This project was designed to add new functionality to LuckyAssetManager. In LuckyAssetManagerContrib implemented 2 custom processor: SelectPathProcessor (processor for choosing pre-minified assets with file extensions *.min.js and *.min.css in release mode) and FinalProcessor (responsible for replac...
Managed Extensibility Framework (MEF) and Autofac integration.
Managed Extensibility Framework (MEF) and Unity integration.
Managed Extensibility Framework (MEF) interception support using LinFu.
MVC 2 Controls Toolkit is a complete set of advanced server controls for MVC 2 ranging from a templated edit-on line datagrid to date-picker and custom formatted textboxes, supporting client validation and globalization. MVC Controls Toolkit makes it easier to define new complex controls for MVC wit...
The Hiro service locator for MVC Turbine.