Top 20 NuGet mvc Packages

Nancy components for handling RDF requests and responses Icon designed by Piotrek Chuchla from The Noun Project
A support library for MVC
Extensions for ASP.NET Core MVC framework.
Provides boilerplate framework tag helper code for an ASP.NET Core project. ASP.NET Core Boilerplate is a professional template for building secure, fast, robust and adaptable web applications or sites. It provides the minimum amount of code required on top of the default ASP.NET Core template provi...
ASP.Net Core HtmlAgilityPack Library
ASP.Net Core AntiXSS Library
A honeypot like SimpleHoneypot but without redirecting. In essence it's just a hidden field used to trick a simple spambot into filling in a field that it's not supposed to. For more information see:
Ext.NET Mobile is an advanced ASP.NET (WebForms + MVC) component framework integrating the cross-browser Sencha Ext JS JavaScript Library. Includes 100+ high performance controls for Data Grids, Trees, Menus, Forms, Advanced Layouts and AJAX communication.
Ext.NET Mobile is an advanced ASP.NET (WebForms + MVC) component framework integrating the cross-browser Sencha Ext JS JavaScript Library. Includes 100+ high performance controls for Data Grids, Trees, Menus, Forms, Advanced Layouts and AJAX communication.
The package provides helpers to define the print settings such as headers and footers, margins, paper size etc and for print and preview buttons. In combination the helpers simplify working with ScriptX and provide exemplars for implementing more complex functionality.
A honeypot like SimpleHoneypot but without redirecting. In essence it's just a hidden field used to trick a simple spambot into filling in a field that it's not supposed to. For more information see:
Propeller Mvc is a small framework which handles alot of the mapping between Sitecore items and project models. Another goal for this project is to make the develepment experience more like ordinary mvc.