Top 20 NuGet mvc Packages

Authorization attribute that integrates with Kentico user permissions, including module permissions and page ACL permissions, leveraging the DynamicRouting.Kentico.MVC library for retreiving the page.
Package Description
Localized variations of the default DataAnnotation Attributes that allow your ErrorMessage to contain and resolve Localized macro expressions
Web project content components
Allows you to render another Page's content (including widgets)
Abstractions of ColinChang.ExceptionHandler
Dev Connection's Helper Library
A full featured web resource/asset management framework for ASP.NET and ASP.NET Mvc.
URL canonicalization with ASP.NET (MVC) routing
Meleze.Web is a toolbox to optimize ASP.NET MVC 3.0, MVC 4.0 and MVC 5.0 applications. It provides HTML, JS and CSS minification of Razor views and caching of the returned pages. The package version 1.4.x targets ASP.NET MVC 4.0 and 5.0. Use version 1.3.x for MVC 3.0.
Munq IOC Container - A very fast Dependency Injection container for Web Applications. 3.1.6 - fixed bad web.config.transform file in package 3.1.5 - corrects the bad implementation for disposing of Request Lifetime instances. 3.1.4 - Disposes of RequestLifeTime instance when HttpRequest ends. ...
[MVC3 Only] This fluent MVC TreeView helper makes it easy to build and customize an HTML unordered-list tree from a recursive model.
MVC View engine that supports precompiled Razor views in multiple assemblies
Adds ability to support aliases for model binding. Set action parameter to "product" and place "productid" on querystring. i.e. public ActionResult Index([Alias("pid"]Product product) ... add global filter ... filters.Add(new AliasInitializer());
A simple C# ImageResizer library using wpf classes
MVC compliant captcha generation library
This is a Glimpse addon that adds a tab containing information from the Batman framework.
This adds the ServiceStack set of serializers (JSON, CSV, and XML) to Batman.