Top 20 NuGet msbuild Packages

PosInformatique.MSBuild.Yaml is a MSBuild extension that converts YAML files into a JSON before the compilation of a Visual Studio project (C#, VB. NET, ...).
PowerShell module packaging support for .NET SDK-style projects
Build Support SDK for MetaBrainz C# Projects
Add a text file `package.blacklist` to your project, with the blacklisted package IDs on separate lines. A task will run `BeforeBuild` that will fail if any packages are found on the blacklist.
The Web Application project supports the use of linked project files, however, when the project is built those files are not copied into the web application folder and hence are not available to the web application. This package adds MSBuild target which copies all content files added as link to Web...
MSBuild task that bumps the version of a Visual Studio 2017 project before build and pack.
MsBuild tasks bundle for Rosalia.
Automation tool that allows writing build, install or other workflows in C#. This package automatically integrates Rosalia to your Class Library project.
Run a bower command as a MSBuild task
Generates the ThisAssembly partial class and adds a Project property containing properties from the source project file. These might be useful for conditional behaviors, diagnostics and tracing, and more. Included properties are: AssemblyName, RootNamespace, ProjectGuid, TargetFrameworkVers...
This package allows for injecting versions into Msbuild which are reflected in the assemblyinfo file
A MSBuild task to generate C# files from Ragel source files.
MSBuild task to restore Nuget content files to project folder
MSBuild targets for updating Assembly version during build process. AssemblyInfo can be set by initializing MSBuild property $(AssemblyVersionNumber) before MSBuild target AssemblyVersionUpdate is called.
An MSBuild target for linting TypeScript code using TSLint.
Adds ILMerge to Visual Studio 2013/2017 or automated builds. This Task is intended to work right out of the box however an optional configuration file can be used to cover virtually all ILMerge properties including the list of assemblies to be merged and output directory.
The MsBuild support for the Cake.Issues addin for Cake allows you to read issues logged as warnings in a MsBuild log. This addin provides the aliases for reading MsBuild warnings and providing them to the Cake.Issues addin. It also requires the core Cake.Issues addin. There are also additional add...
Tool for converting a MSBuild project file to VS2017 format and beyond.
MSBuild task to simplify implementation of INotifyPropertyChanged interface for WinRT, Silverlight 2+, .NET 2.0+, Windows Phone 7+, Portable Class Libraries. During compile time it injects supporting code in property setters: raising PropertyChanged event when value changed.
A MSBuild task that automatically runs Roslyn (csx) scripts before compilation as an alternative to T4.