Top 20 NuGet logging Packages

A simple logger that writes to a file. DI ready. Contact me if need help.
A .Net SDK client for a logda API
The ReflectInsight sink for Serilog
Logary is a high performance, multi-target logging, metric and health-check library for mono and .Net.
Loggly provider for Microsoft.Extensions.Logging
A for for the v2 client with exponential backoff.
This enables compatibility between ErrorUnit and Elmah
NChronicle is an extensible logging and output library allowing centralized management and distribution of log messages to a number of logging destinations (known as 'Libraries'). NChronicle.Console is a highly configurable console logging Library for the NChronicle logging framework. NChronicle.C...
AspNetCoreLogging is an ASP.NET logging solution capable of logging application messages to a Mongo Collection, Azure Blob Storage or the Debug Window.
Log to from System.Diagnostics.Trace and friends.
Extension methods for Microsoft.Extensions.Logging
SceneSkope RequestPath logging filter
F#ing simple logger for F#.
This is Entity Framework Core logger and logger provider. A small package to allow store logs in any data store using Entity Framework Core.
An implementation of the Holotrek's Logging provider that uses log4net.
An implementation of the Holotrek's Logging provider that uses NLog.
NChronicle is an extensible logging and output library allowing centralized management and distribution of log messages to a number of logging destinations (known as 'Libraries'). NChronicle.SMTP is a comprehensive SMTP email Library sending log messages in customizable email messages. It includes ...
The Semantic Logging Application Block provides a set of destinations (sinks) to persist application events published using a subclass of the EventSource class from the System.Diagnostics.Tracing namespace. Sinks include Azure table storage, SQL Server databases, file, console and rolling files with...