Top 20 NuGet logging Packages

ELMAH with configuration for getting started quickly on an MySQL 5.0+ database as the error log. NB requires manual configuration.
ELMAH with configuration for getting started quickly on a Microsoft SQL Server Compact database as the error log.
log4net Trace Extensions
Extension methods for typed logging.
Automatically registers ELMAH modules and handlers on application start-up instead of wiring via configuration (web.config).
Package Description
LogBase, Debug, and Trace loggers for CaliburnMicro
Logging for Caliburn.Micro.log4net(NET45)
DEPRECATED -- DO NOT USE (view "Project Information" url for more info)
Common.Logging library bindings for Enterprise Library 4.1 logging framework.
NLog is a powerful sophisticated Logger for wht whole CLR family (.NET, Mono...). but it lacks a fluent interface. This is a Fluent API for working with NLog which can replace XML configuration.
Easily inject logging, profiling, and feature usage monitoring into your .NET application by combining this library and PostSharp 2.1. Records all information using the Loupe Agent which is designed for use in production. If you are upgrading to PostSharp 3.0 or later use Gibraltar.Agent.Postsharp...
Log4net logging appender that logs to Loggr, the cloud-based event logging service.
A C# library on top of the JIRA SOAP service.
NLog Logging extension for Ninject
Provides log4net 1.2.9 logging integration for other ServiceStack projects
Sets up an ASP.NET Area with a JsTraceController in order to facilitate sending JsTrace messages to the server