Top 20 NuGet logging Packages

KISS .NET logging library
Simple log4net appender which logs to the API from your MVC application.
Common.Logging library bindings for Application Insights logging framework.
.NET logging framework for Selenium Webdriver users. It can output to text and/or console and/or seleniumlog.viewer (can hold screenshots) formats. It has compatible interface to Log4Net (ie., log.Info(), log.Debug(), log.Error(), log.Fatal(), log.Warning()).
Log4Net Logging implementation for Owin
Simple and easy to use the log class library package
Simple and easy to use the log class library package
CorrelatorSharp, a set of tools for adding correlation identifiers for actions performed by users and machine across your applications. Your one stop shop for context-aware logging and diagnostics.
Jali.Core is a cross platform library supporting the Jali library suite. NJali.Core is the .NET implementation.
Logging.Memory allows write log to memory
Catches all unhandled exceptions and sends email (or Telegram message) with details and stacktrace to you.
.NET GrayLog client library written in C#
log4net Appender for Azure File Storage.
WCF (Service Model) request and error logging behaviors and trace listeners.
Redis sink for Serilog
NLog adapter for Tracer.Fody (which is an ILWeaver adding trace enter and leave log entries to methods). This adapter offers trace and static logging calls and changes them to calls to NLog.
Custom target for NLog enabling you to send logging messages to the Sentry logging service.
Abstract logging framework for your favorite logger
Common.Logging library bindings for Log4Net 2.0.6 logging framework.
Adds support for adding logging to the hosted application by convention.