Top 20 NuGet logging Packages

Rrs.Logging Class Library
This is a Logger package build with .Net core 3.0, 2.2 and .net 4.7. It supports multiple targets as well as a number of logging levels. The class is implemented as a singleton. It is thread safe and optimized to not use locks.
Extended functionality for Penguin.Messaging.Core to support various logging requirements, including extension methods for logging as well as object wrappers to represent various logging levels.
An NLog target that allows your app to send errors to an instance of CodErr
A collection of entities for use in the Penguin Logging system for tracking background processes
Inscribe's logging provider for Entity Framework Core. Useful for logging application errors in a database.
Inscribe's logging provider for emailing. Useful for sending out messages for critical application errors.
Logging provider abstraction for .NET's logging API.
Provides the Serilog logging services implementation. Typically used areas and classes/interfaces/services: - IAmbientServices.WithSerilogManager(). Kephas Framework ("stone" in aramaic) aims to deliver a solid infrastructure for applications and application ecos...
Microsoft.Extensions.Logging logging adapter for Akka.NET
Serilog decorator for ASP.NET Core and
log4net decorator for ASP.NET Core and
Package Description
NetModular logging with serilog for GenericHost
Microsoft.Extensions.Logging decorator for ASP.NET Core and
Telemetry via Azure application insights for Simple Logging .NET and .NET Core.
Settings for using Simple Logging For .NET and .NET Core on the Azure platform. See for usage details.
Macross Software file logging library. A simple library for writing structured JSON out to disk, quickly. Commonly Used Types: Macross.Logging.Files.FileLoggerProvider Macross.Logging.Files.FileLogger Macross.Logging.Files.FileLoggerOptions Commonly Used Extens...
Allows Microsoft.Extensions.Logging to be used with NServiceBus
This library provides auditing capabilities for data model objects.