Top 20 NuGet logging Packages

Log tools for UWP and other eScape packages.
LiveSwitch NLog UI client library.
LiveSwitch UI native client library.
Custom target for NLog enabling you to send logging messages to the Sentry logging service.
Extension methods for Logging, using the ILogger interface from Microsoft.Extensions.Logging. This is additional logging extensions used in my projects. It is a supplement to the extension methods already in Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions.
Simple modular logging system.
The base library for integrating ZKWeb for Cosmos.Logging.
The base library for integrating NancyFx for Cosmos.Logging.
The Autofac extension library for integrating Microsoft ASP.NET MVC 5 with Cosmos.Logging.
Cosmos.Logging extension provider for Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.
Cosmos.Logging extension for ORM Microsoft EntityFramework 6.
Process renderers for Cosmos.Logging.
Environment renderers for Cosmos.Logging.
Provides a simple abstraction over logging frameworks, which allows the logging framework to be swapped without requiring changes of application code. This package is for use with NLog.
To log events in your Xamarin.Forms application
Log4Net library for logging to entities
Local file log for Cosmos.Logging.
Nancy plugin for application-wide logging using Serilog