Top 20 NuGet library Packages

Extends Jdenticon-net with features to use Jdenticon with ASP.NET MVC. This package contains: * @Html.Identicon() extension method * @Url.Identicon() extension method * IdenticonResult for usage in MVC controllers
Extends Jdenticon-net with features to use Jdenticon with ASP.NET WebApi. This package contains: * IdenticonResult for usage in WebApi controllers
Extends Jdenticon-net with features to use Jdenticon with ASP.NET WebForms. This package contains: * Identicon web control
Xamarin.Android Binding Library for Braintree SDK - BrainTreeCardForm.Droid
Cross-platform UI control library for MonoGame
Tungsten.Suite is a nuspec only package. It aggregates the most Tungsten packages available for each framework into one package.
Package Description
The Lite version of my paid uzLib (Unity3D) API used as dependency of my open-source repos.
HiQPdf NG Library for .NET Core x64 offers you a modern, simple, fast, flexible and powerful tool to create complex and stylish PDF documents in .NET Core applications with just a few lines of C# code. The NG version includes an improved HTML to PDF rendering engine which supports ECMAScript 6, WOF...
HiQPdf Library for .NET Core x64 offers you a modern, simple, fast, flexible and powerful tool to create complex and stylish PDF documents in .NET Core applications with just a few lines of C# code. This library is compatible with .NET Core and .NET Standard for Windows 64-bit (x64) operating syste...
A library to run C# code in parallel on the GPU through DX12 and dynamically generated HLSL compute shaders.
An async / await wrapper of TwitchLib that supports multiple bots in multiple channels with an interface allowing you to create your own data-access-layer or in-memory service.
GPA Gemstone Security Library
Aspose.Page for C++ is a native C++ library that enables the developers to add Page handling capabilities to their C++ applications. The library allows to perform a wide range of document processing tasks including creation of XPS files, form processing, text and page manipulation, management of ann...
Collection of libraries that support Kano PC applications.
Core methods and functionality for Startitecture, LLC packages.
BizTalk Factory's SSO settings object model.
Aspose.PUB for C++ is a native C++ library that enables the developers to add pub converting to their C++ applications. The library allows convert pub document to pdf.
Libreria di classi basi per la creazione di un'applicazione web utilizzando il BWebAppTemplate
Aspose.PUB for C++ is a native C++ library that enables the developers to add pub converting to their C++ applications. The library allows convert pub document to pdf.