Top 20 NuGet json Packages

Convert JSON to System.Net.Http.HttpContent and vice versa with using Json.NET.
Convert JSON to System.Net.Http.HttpContent and vice versa with using Jil.
SimdJson: Parsing gigabytes of JSON per second. C# version of Daniel Lemire's SimdJson (written in C).
This package includes nanoFramework.Json, a helper class library to deal with json serialization/deserialization in .NET nanoFramework C# projects.
Newtonsoft Json serialization for FloxDc's Cache Flow
Discriminated Json Subtypes Converter implementation for .NET
This assembly contains a reference implementation of the Sin.Net.Domain interfaces for im- and export control. Supported formats are Json, Binary and Csv based on DataTables. A derivation of the features in your client code is supported. More features will follow.
Implementation for JSON Serialization using NewtonsoftJson
Finite-state machine (FSM) based workflow
.NET Wrapper for Web API - online tools for PDF, barcodes, spreadsheets.
Implementation for JSON Serialization using NewtonsoftJson
Implementation for JSON Serialization using NewtonsoftJson
JsonConverters customizados
GraphQL Conventions for .NET
Implementation for JSON Serialization using NewtonsoftJson
Client SDK for working with AcceleratXR powered services.
Implementation for JSON Serialization using NewtonsoftJson
Authentication, in-game commerce, player data, title data, inventory, characters, statistics, leaderboards, analytics and reporting, friends, multiplayer, matchmaking, tournaments, cloud script, trading, real-time event handling, player management, live ops, and server hosting for all major platform...