Top 20 NuGet ioc Packages

Adds mocking capabilities to the LightInject service container.
ElmahR IoC module for NInject
MagicMoq is an extension to the Moq mocking framework – It is like an IoC container that injects mocked dependencies when resolving a type, making the job of creating testing subjects much easier (and nicer).
Common facades for Logging, Configuration, Caching, etc.
The adapter of autofac for CB.Ioc
Compile-time static analysis and optimization for the Stiletto IoC library.
An extended Dependency Injection container which deals with instantiation and life time of objects. It extends SimpleIoC from MvvmLight.
Auto Faking for IoC (for writing tests).
MVVM MicroMVVM fetches the exportable ViewModels found within an application and attaches each ViewModel to the corresponding View. Inversion of Control MicroMVVM leverages the Dependency Injection pattern, the framework fetches Transient and Singleton exportable services and injects these interfa...
Automatic Spring.Net dependency injection with Fody addins.
Acyclic Visitor implementation using Micrososft Unity Container
Automatic Ninject dependency injection with Fody addins.
Automatic Autofac dependency injection with Fody addins.
IoCBridge Ninject wrapper.
Adds Autofac support to VSTO Contrib
Unity implementation for the Waffle.
ASP.NET MVC5 & WebApi2 integration package for Griffin.Container. Add "GriffinContainerConfig.Configure();" to global.asax after the installation.
Grace.NSubstitute provides integration classes between NSubstitute and Grace (Dependency Injection Contaniner)
Grace.NLog provides integration class between NLog and Grace (Dependency Injection Container)
Grace.Moq provides integration classes between Moq and Grace (Dependency Injection Container)