Top 20 NuGet insights Packages

Serilog sink for Application Insights.
HealthChecks.Publisher.ApplicationInsights is the health check publisher for Application Insights.
A collection of telemetry intializers to help you get the most out of Application Insights in your .NET Core applications
A collection of telemetry intializers to help you get the most out of Application Insights in your ASP.NET Core applications
Provides an output implementation that sends diagnostics data to Microsoft Application Insights service.
PostSharp.Patterns.Diagnostics: support for Microsoft Application Insights.
CloudMonix is a sophisticated Microsoft Azure monitoring and automation product. This is the official public API client to manage CloudMonix objects and data.
.NET Middleware to log API Calls to Moesif API Analytics and Monitoring
eShopWorld common telemetry application insights
Application Insights monitoring support for Akka.NET actors.
eShopWorld common web artifacts
Application Insights for Blazor web applications
Add application insights logging to ASP.NET Core apps with one line of code.
PostSharp.Patterns.Diagnostics: event collection from System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticListener.
A core implementation of all WakaTime C#-driven plug-ins for IDE such as Visual Studio, Xamarin Studio, Monodevelop etc
The Cuemon.AspNetCore,Mvc namespace contains types that specializes in cache expiration and validation models and an abundant range of ready-to-use filters in the ASP.NET Core MVC pipeline. The namespace is an addition to the Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc namespace.
PureActive Application Insights Logger Provider
Extensions to facilitate work with Application Insights.
A client for Azure Time Series Insights
Infrastructure project setup for building modern enterprise applications using EntityFramework or Azure Table Storage.