Top 20 NuGet iqueryable Packages

Extension to unify IQueryable and IEnumerable behavior about null values
Common extensions for entities for every project using Entity Framework
Generic Repository implementation for Entity Framework.
Package provides integration between Generic Repository and Query Mappings for Entity Framework
Extension methods that are useful in day to day programming. This package includes extension methods for collections and Linq
Extensions for EF and IQueryable interface to allow simple sorting and filtering
Helper functions to write dynamic LINQ queries
Package Description
Package Description
LINQ operators to enable C# 8.0 index and range new features working with LINQ queries and any type that implements IEnumerable<T>.
ChainLinq is a library for connecting Linq IQueryables with other tools such as API' and libraries.
Extensiones para paginar IQueryable
Provides abstractions used as part of adding pagination support to LINQ-to-IQueryable.
Provides extension methods to augment LINQ-to-IQueryable with pagination.
A package for filtering queries or arrays.
Azure Storage Extensions is a .NET library aimed for managing and querying entities from Microsoft Azure Storage. It's built on top of Microsoft Azure Cosmos Table Library, provides LINQ to Azure Tables queries and async interfaces.