Top 20 NuGet ioc Packages

Adds support for loading services into dependency injection to the hosted application by convention.
A library for easy setup of IoC/Dependency injection for Umbraco
Saraff.IoCX is a container that provide lightweight dependency injection for .NET applications (.NET Standard 2.0). It helps you split your application into a collection of loosely-coupled, highly-cohesive pieces, and then glue them back together in a flexible manner.
a develop framework named assistant jane!
a develop framework named assistant jane!
Yet Another IOC Container for .NET
AutoFactory Support for StructureMap
An MVC3 IDependencyResolver wrapper for the Managed Extensibility Framework (MEF).
NServiceLocator implementation for Ninject. NOTE: this implementation is in NO WAY endorsed or supported by the Ninject team - it is a wrapper by a different author.
Xml extension for Ninject.Web.Common.
An inversion control abstraction system.
The WebApiContrib.IoC.StructureMap library provides dependency injection helpers for ASP.NET Web API.
Configures Ninject to resolve IRepository as the right configured implementation of SharpRepository
Dependency injection modules for StructureMap that can be used to integrate MvcSiteMapProvider into an existing dependency injection setup. You may customize this configuration to allow for replacement of virtually any part of MvcSiteMapProvider by implementing one of its interfaces and injecting an...
Dependency injection modules for SimpleInjector that can be used to integrate MvcSiteMapProvider into an existing dependency injection setup. You may customize this configuration to allow for replacement of virtually any part of MvcSiteMapProvider by implementing one of its interfaces and injecting ...
Dependency injection modules for Autofac that can be used to integrate MvcSiteMapProvider into an existing dependency injection setup. You may customize this configuration to allow for replacement of virtually any part of MvcSiteMapProvider by implementing one of its interfaces and injecting an inst...
This package implements the IOC provider contracts via Microsoft Unity
Enterprise Foundation Classes
This is a Ninject-based bootstrapper for CharacterGen
SIoC.WebApi is a the dependency resolver for WebApi applications.