Top 20 NuGet highlight Packages

A Javascript module and CSS file that allows syntax highlighting of source code snippets in an html page. I've included all minified scripts and themes avaialble on the google code project site.
HighlightMarker is a library which supports you in highlighting an input string in a given text. Essentially, it tells you from/to which character of a given text you need to start/stop highlighting the user's search input.
TextDiscovery AngleSharp implementations of IDomInterpreter, IDomNodeFactory, and IHtmlConverter. Enables the following capabilities: mark search hits in the DOM, create HTML excerpts at a given word count with configurable element-breaking rules, and more.
Library for syntax highlighting in C# and ASP.NET.
TextDiscovery HtmlAgilityPack implementations of IDomInterpreter, IDomNodeFactory, and IHtmlConverter. Enables the following capabilities: mark search hits in the DOM, create HTML excerpts at a given word count with configurable element-breaking rules, and more.
Mvc Menu Navigation Helper
React Highlight Words (react-highlight-words) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
Autosuggest Highlight (autosuggest-highlight) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
**This package is a fork from (Thomas Haugland Johansen)** A relatively simple and extensible syntax highlighter written in C#
**This package is a fork from whicih is a fork from (Thomas Haugland Johansen)** A relatively simple and extensible syntax highlighter written in C#
A TextHelper following Ruby on Rails TextHelper that provides utility methods like Truncate, WordWrap, AutoLink, Highlight, etc.