Top 20 NuGet hangfire Packages

Add tags to Hangfire backgroundjobs
MySQL storage adapter for Hangfire (
The Cron based Scheduler for DotNetCore 2.x/3.x/5.x/6.x Self-hosted Applications in Kubernetes/Docker or as WindowsService on Windows Machine. This is a lightweight alternative to Quarts Scheduler or HangFire.
Support for SQL Server for Hangfire.Tags. This seperate library is required in order to search for tags, and proper cleanup.
Plinth Hangfire framework
LiteDB storage implementation for Hangfire (background job system for ASP.NET applications).
The Cron based Scheduler for AspNetCore 2.x/3.x/5.x/6.x Applications in Kubernetes/Docker. This is a lightweight alternative to Quarts Scheduler or HangFire.
.NET Core's Worker Service host support for Hangfire, a background job framework for .NET applications.
Logging heartbeats from Hangfire to
Plinth Hangfire Utilities
Plinth Hangfire Utilities for SQL Server
MSMQ queues support for SQL Server job storage implementation for Hangfire, a background job framework for .NET applications.
A Hangfire storage provider for SQL Server, MySQL, Oracle, DB/2, PostgreSQL, and Firebird
Hangfire.Dashboard.Management provides a Management page in the default dashboard. It allows for manually creating jobs.
ASP.NET integration for Hangfire.
Job console for Hangfire
Hangfire implementation of Cofoundry.Core.BackgroundTasks.