Top 20 NuGet html Packages

Providers additional requesters and IO helpers for AngleSharp.
SgmlReader is a .NET library that is handy for converting SGML content (like HTML and OFX) into well formed XML via XmlReader, XmlDocument, XDocument or XPathDocument. It runs on Windows and Linux using .NET core.
Adds a powerful XML and DTD parser to AngleSharp.
Report-From-DocX-HTML-To-PDF-Converter - Create custom reports based on Word docx or HTML documents and convert to PDF with .NET CORE
ASP.NET support for Cassette. Cassette automatically builds JavaScript, CSS and HTML template modules based on the dependencies between files. CoffeeScript and LESS are also supported.
Foundational HttpMediaTypeFormatter to provide generated HTML markup from ASP.NET Web API
WkHtmlToXSharp's Windows 32Bits natible library bundle.
A small extension lib to easy return json or html mapped to an object instead of writting own boilerplate
WkHtmlToXSharp's Windows 64Bits natible library bundle.
Transform html
TextDiscovery AngleSharp implementations of IDomInterpreter, IDomNodeFactory, and IHtmlConverter. Enables the following capabilities: mark search hits in the DOM, create HTML excerpts at a given word count with configurable element-breaking rules, and more.
This library renders HTML using WPF GraphicsContext. This results in seemlessly blending with the rest of ur UI. It supports most CSS2/CSS3 features. Everything within one DLL. Internally it uses LiteHtml from This library requires the Microsoft® C Runtime Lib...
A library to generate URL previews, getting the title, thumbnail, and a short description. Get Amazon URL product previews.
Convert a Razor Template (cshtml or vbhtml) to a PDF format
Contains the HtmlFormatter, and the HtmlClassFormatter, for rendering Html from the Colorized Code.
This package contains tests for CK.DB.Res.ResHtml (uses CK.DB.Tests.NUnit).
This package contains tests for CK.DB.Res.MCResHtml (uses CK.DB.Tests.NUnit).
Package Description
Package Description
Easily render HTML in your Xamarin.Forms apps (iOS and Android only).