Top 20 NuGet fluent Packages

FluentSharp is an API that dramatically simplifies the use of .NET Framework APIs. This is the FluentSharp Moq which simplifies the use of the HttpAgilityPack with WinForms
FluentSharp is an API that dramatically simplifies the use of .NET Framework APIs. This is the FluentSharp Moq which simplifies the use of the HttpAgilityPack
Image API & processing for Azure Web Apps
Maintained fork from the original project, compiled target to latest framework 4.6 and strong name signing enabled. Image Processor is an easy to use and extend processing library written in C#. Its fluent API makes common imaging tasks very simple to perform. Methods include; Resize, Rotate, Roun...
NSpectator`s Selenium toolset is a ready-to-use PageObjects for pragmatic development of browser automation and Web user interface acceptance tests and verification. Enjoy using fluent configuration, sessions and page objects to write tests as fast as you think it should works!
This is an experimental "vNext" build that provides coarse-grained access to VersionOne Asset objects via the REST-based HTTP API for building custom applications against the VersionOne platform. We welcome your feedback in GitHub issues and on!
Reinforced.Lattice integration assembly for ASP.NET MVC 5
Reinforced.Lattice quick start bundle package for ASP.NET MVC 6 (MVC Core). Includes everything - from core library to default template in single package
Reinforced.Lattice integration assembly for ASP.NET MVC 6 (MVC Core)
Reinforced.Lattice additional Razor templating extensions for ASP.NET MVC 6 (MVC Core)
Reinforced.Lattice helpers for changing layout design templates built for ASP.NET MVC 6 (MVC Core)
Fluent validation framework for .net
Validator.NET asp net core extension
Fluent Assertions for different kind of types. Reduce assert avaialable depending on the type while providing meaningful messages. Doesn't support expression analysis yet. Provides: ObjectCheckable ListCheckable BoolCheckable IntegerCheckable StringCheckable TypeCheckable EquatableChec...
Fluent scheduler for PullingHook
Fluent Extensions for Phi.Kafka.Active
This is an HTTP client that can be used to consume HTTP APIs and was developed using the Fluent Interface design pattern.
A simple, strongly typed .NET C# command line parser library using a fluent easy to use interface
Framework to help testing Restful APIs in a fluent style that are easy to write and understand. Allows you to write your Api Requests and Asserting the response in a fluent manner. Compatible with NUnit, MSTest, XUnit and any test runner.