Top 20 NuGet fakeiteasy Packages

A dummy factory for Diagnostics types.
A dummy factory for Logging types.
A chill container that uses autofac as a container and FakeItEasy for generating mocks.
Testing helpers for using Ninject.MockingKernel.FakeItEasy with EntityFramework.
Easy mocking for EntityFramework 6.
Brings an AutoMockFeature which initializes AutoFixture with FakeItEasy.
Simple EntityFramework testing library for FakeItEasy
Auto Faking constructors for IoC injection.
Auto Faking for IoC (for writing tests).
A really simple little autofaker for FakeItEasy.
[FAKEITEASY] .NET C#: Arrange Context is a simple Tool to automatically initialize your system-under-test with mocked instances.
Faking support for DemiCode.Data
An extensible C# unit test library that uses builder pattern to streamline creation of dependencies. It reduces the amount of boilerplate code needed when writing unit tests and let the developers to focus on writting the actual test logic.
A test library that helps to write unit tests faster by abstractin out the boilerplate codes and let the developers focus on the actual logics of the unit tests instead.