Top 20 NuGet fsharp Packages

Reference this package via --compilertool to get access to `#r "nuget: {package}"` support in F# scripts
A Toolkit for Event-Sourced CQRS Actors
JSON mapper for System.Text.Json
Reusable HTTP server integration test building blocks to write integration tests in a more safe and fun way. The package consists of several functions to help write tests that clean up after themselves, making assertions more reliable by polling for required results, adds some standard building bloc...
GoFigure provides unified .NET, Silverlight, jQuery, and Windows Phone configuration, providing the flexibility to quickly swap configuration sources from local file-based settings to anywhere you desire (e.g. remote SQL Server storage, WCF XML service, RESTful JSON service, custom, etc.).
GoFigure provides unified .NET, Silverlight, jQuery, and Windows Phone configuration, providing the flexibility to quickly swap configuration sources from local file-based settings to anywhere you desire (e.g. remote SQL Server storage, WCF XML service, RESTful JSON service, custom, etc.).
GoFigure provides unified .NET, Silverlight, jQuery, and Windows Phone configuration, providing the flexibility to quickly swap configuration sources from local file-based settings to anywhere you desire (e.g. remote SQL Server storage, WCF XML service, RESTful JSON service, custom, etc.).
GoFigure provides unified .NET, Silverlight, jQuery, and Windows Phone configuration, providing the flexibility to quickly swap configuration sources from local file-based settings to anywhere you desire (e.g. remote SQL Server storage, WCF XML service, RESTful JSON service, custom, etc.).
F# RabbitMq client wrapper
BERT serializer and BERT-RPC client for .Net
The Format module from the OCaml Standard Library, adapted to F#.
Implementations of system programming modules from the OCaml Standard Library (e.g., Sys, Unix) in F#.
FSharpx is a library for the .NET platform implementing general functional constructs on top of the F# core library. Its main target is F# but it aims to be compatible with all .NET languages wherever possible. This library is for the .NET platform implementing a WMI type provider.
Various type providers for management of the machine.
This library is for the .Net platform implementating a type provider for Amazon S3.
Abstract lexer core.
Abstract lexers generator.
FsYacc forntend and parsers generator for F# based on RNGLR algorithm.