Top 20 NuGet extensions Packages

Azure Storage Extensions is a .NET library aimed for managing and querying entities from Microsoft Azure Storage. It's built on top of Azure Storage Client Library, provides LINQ to Azure Tables queries and async interfaces.
This library provides UI components, such as XAML extensions, helpers, converters and more. It is part of the ModernWpf Community Toolkit. Converters: Commonly used converters that allow the data to be modified as it passes through the binding engine. Extensions: - DependencyObje...
A collection of extensions, utilities, and helpers that are used to extend the core .NET classes.
Native methods that complement Xcalibur.NativeMethods to provide extended functionality in the Windows space.
A set of controllers to help simplify Process, WMI, Network, and Service calls.
Lu Ban Of .Net - .Net 高可用、高效率的扩展组件
Collection of AspNetCore extensions and reusable functionality.
The Database Resilience Abstractions for System.Data.SqlClient Or Mirosoft.Data.SqlClient
Flyweight C# library for your .NET Core Applications. You can use this library to perform commonly use conversions, validations, and other object helpers.
Provides a set of extensions for any objects.
Provides the result functional abstraction with a set of extensions.
Quix.dll contains extension methods that enhance existing C# classes thus making life easier for developers.
Biblioteca de itens comuns entre projetos Dapper da FACode
Biblioteca de itens comuns entre projetos de Testes da FACode
Extensions for sorting strings using natural sort order i.e. Alphabetical order for humans.
MAD.NET Caching Extensions
MAD.NET Dynamic Extensions
MAD.NET.Data.Cube extensions to create a staging system where the cube is processed by the stages configurated before.