Top 20 NuGet extension Packages

Build.Mvc is a HtmlHelper extension library that turns the standard ASP .NET MVC 5.0 HtmlHelper methods into jQuery-style chainable methods that allow you to expressively add markup and style to your MVC application.
An AMD Ecmascript 6 Polyfill which is strictly following specification + Extensions. Built version available using package 'PromiseExt.Built'.
Base Class Library Extensions for C# base class library types like System.String.
An extension for converting between types
Knockout Underscore integration.
An extension for asserting object equality by using the Quarks.AssertComparer
An extension for representing a deep object graph as a flat series of values
Extension that enables the usage of unit-of-work patterns in non-web applications. You could look at this as being the equivalent of InRequestScope from web environments in console applications and services. The unit-of-work scopes are kept consistent across async calls and tasks. Setup: _kern...
MyDownloader is a download manager for .NET. This package contains extensions for protocols and additional features. If you aren't implementing your own IProtocolProvider you'll need this package.
A very good pack of extension methods to work with Json. Example: .ToJson(); .FromJson<T>();
DryIoc extension for ASP.NET SignalR
Logs exceptions and custom events to Application Insights
Cryptography extensions for strings and arrays of bytes.
Helpers e Extension Methods para o HtmlAgilityPack.
Another library of daily basis tools, one could wish to be included in .NET
Library provides C# language extensions
Collection of ASP.NET Core extension method.