Top 20 NuGet excel Packages

Excel Component for SK.Data.Pipeline
GorillaDocs is a collection of assemblies that makes working with Microsoft VSTO easier. This package contains the code that applies to Microsoft Excel. Specifically: - Extension methods
Generate c# classes from worksheet headers inside an excel workbook (.xls). Useful for data conversion projects.
An out-of-the-box Web API for invoking database stored procedures, transforming the results as JSON, BSON, JSONP, XML, CSV, Excel xlsx, or any text generated by Razor dynamic template. Please visit for detail.
Connector to MSExcel information
DotNetPos is an open source tool for transaction Message. DotNetPos Support Iso8583,Xml,Excel Format. For More Info And Example Please Visit
Excel extend attributes to generate excel file with header and data
Log4Net logging wrapper for Add-in X.
Wrapper for the inversion of control container Autofac - Add-in X
Implementation for the WPF helper for Excel-DNA - Add-in X
Quickly build simple reports in Excel OpenXML format.
Excel helper based on NPOI on .NET core platform.
使用 Npoi 类库实现简单操作 Excel 文件
demo library for excel generation
iTin Export Engine Core, contains a tab-separated values (txt), comma-seprated values (csv), XML spreadsheet 2003 (xml) and SQL Script (sql) native writers