Top 20 NuGet excel Packages

Package Description
Export your Apple Health data to a spreadsheet to take your Health and nerdiness to the next level.
Read Excel 2007 as a CSV file. Works on ASP.Net and Azure.
Extracts embedded OLE objects from Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Open Office files without needing the original programs.
Create Excel spreadsheets for Office 97/2003 or Office 2007+ on the fly with an easy to use .NET library. No 3rd party dependencies. No Microsoft Office Excel dependencies. The ExpertXLS Excel Library for .NET can be linked into any type of .NET project, either ASP.NET web sites or Windows Forms a...
TableIO provides same interaface for reading and writing csv, excel(xls, xlsx) and other table format content.
Generic export for .net collections to CSV or Excel
Use Fluent API to configure POCO excel behaviors, and then provides IEnumerable<T> save to and load from excel functionalities.
Excel files extensions for Etl.Net
You can import or export your excel files easily.
Koogra Excel BIFF/XLSX Reader Library .Net implementation of an Excel file reader for reading unencrypted Excel 97 and up BIFF and XLSX based files.
DoddleReport adds tabular reporting over any LINQ Query, IEnumerable, DataTable or SharePoint List, exportable to HTML, PDF, Excel, CSV or your own custom type. See DoddleReport.Web for great Web reporting support, and the other DoddleReport packages for even more Report Writers
Beta compatibility package. Use SpecFlow.Plus.Excel instead!
An out-of-the-box Web API for invoking database stored procedures, transforming the results as JSON, BSON, JSONP, XML, CSV, Excel xlsx, or any text generated by Razor dynamic template. Please visit for detail.
Utilidad para exportar a excel desde un IEnumerable tipado. Permite (entre otras cosas): - Trabajar con multiples hojas. - Específicar las columnas a mostrar y darles formato. - Dar formatos condicionales a las filas en base a los valores de los elementos del enumerado. ...
Wyam is a simple to use, highly modular, and extremely configurable static content generator. This library provides support for importing and exporting CSV and Excel files.
A very simple, yet incredibly powerfull library to generate Excel documents out of objects, arrays, lists, collections, etc.
xSkrape provides parsing / tabular detection for structured, semi and non-structured data sources with minimal coding. Interact with HTML, JSON, XML, CSV, Excel, DropBox, Google Docs and other sources using simple directives. This package supports .NET standard 2 and connects to the web API offered ...
xSkrape provides parsing / tabular detection for structured, semi and non-structured data sources with minimal coding. Interact with HTML, JSON, XML, CSV, Excel, DropBox, Google Docs and other sources using simple directives. This package contains a .cs file with example usage of the InProc version.